How to style your home in Decorative Salvage

In a year of increased consciousness and affinity for our homes, we’ve started to become mindful of what we choose to share our spaces with. Luckily, that has meant reusing and repurposing old finds rather than buying new. For those with a penchant for salvaged antiques, industrial style and a more sustainable approach to decorating, Decorative Salvage style may do the trick. Expert William Walsh explains how to capture this interiors style in your home.

A history of 20th century design in iconic decor

The 20th century was a productive time for the design world. With the advancement of technology and two World Wars, few centuries can compete in terms of upheaval and inspiration. Movements such as Art Nouveau and Art Deco sprung up in the early years, while Memphis style closed out the century in the postmodern era. There’s an innumerable amount of styles to describe so with the help of our design experts, we’ve picked out five of the key 20th century design movements and the decorative pieces

How the S.M.S. portfolios made art more accessible

They sound like something that might have leaked from MI6, but the S.M.S. portfolios are more linked to esotericism than espionage. In fact, this art periodical dreamed up by William Copley represented a new kind of accessibility, format and way of consumption that turned the art world on its head. Modern Art expert, Anita Helmy, sat down with us to explain how Copley managed such an impressive feat, as well as the enduring influence and zeitgeist of these portfolios. In 1968, the United Stat

To the future, to the north

What does innovation mean in the Nordic context? The ideas changing the way we live, big or small, share a red thread – whether they’re coming from a huge multinational like H&M, a niche start-up with a vision to connect the world, like Mapillary, or even a beauty brand challenging the corporate norm. “It’s about equality, it’s about fairness, it’s about humanity,” replies Simon Caspersen, the co-founder of IKEA’s external ideas lab, SPACE10, when asked what characterizes new thinking in the north. Those shared values have been around long before tech start-ups and the circular economy – and it’s likely that whatever the new ideas to come, those values will still lie at the core of Nordic innovation.